
An introduction to Decentralized Identity

What is Decentralized Identity?

Decentralized identity is a system where individuals control and manage their own personal data through digital wallets. This approach enhances privacy, security, and user control by allowing people to share only the necessary information directly from their wallets, reducing the risk of data breaches and misuse.

Imagine this:

Normally, when you sign up for a website or app, you have to create an account by giving them your personal details, like your name, email, and maybe even more sensitive information. That company then stores your data on their servers. This system has a few problems:

  1. You don’t fully control your information—the company does.

  2. If the company gets hacked, your personal info could be stolen.

  3. Each service you interact with maintains its own copy of your data, leading to redundancy and a lack of interoperability.

Now, here’s how decentralized identity works:

Instead of companies storing your personal data, you store it yourself in something called a "digital wallet." This wallet is like a secure app on your phone.

When a website or app needs your information, you can share just what’s necessary directly from your wallet, without giving them full control over your data. The information is automatically verified using advanced cryptography.

Here's an example in the Higher Education sector:

Benefits of Decentralized Identity

A. For Organizations

  • Increased Security: ID wallets use biometrics, strong encryption, and distributed storage for maximum security. Personal information is never stored in the blockchain.

  • Fraud Protection: Verifiable credentials are cryptographically secured to automatically verify data authenticity, ensuring they cannot be altered or forged. This ensures that only verified individuals can access your organization's services.

  • Legal Compliance: ID Wallets achieve legal compliance with data protection and eID regulations by giving users greater control over their data, including eIDAS 2.0 in Europe.

  • Enhanced User Experience: Users can enjoy passwordless access to online services by simply scanning a QR code with their ID Wallet to share their credentials. This reduces onboarding abandonment rates and increases user retention.

  • Operational Savings: Organizations can reduce operational expenses related to identity verification, compliance, and data storage, making the system more cost-effective.

B. For Users

  • One-Click Sharing: Users have instant access to digital and physical services with just one click, making it easier to share their credentials for identity verification and authentication.

  • Portability: Digital credentials enable individuals to securely store and carry their credentials on their phone app, allowing them to share their information anywhere at any time.

  • Global recognition: Verifiable credentials adhere to international standards, ensuring they are recognized and accepted globally.

  • Data Control: Individuals have greater control over their data. They can choose what data to share and with whom, increasing data protection and reducing the risk of privacy breaches. They can also opt to disclose only specific details, such as sharing just their name and last name without revealing their address when sharing a National ID.

  • Robust Protection: Verifiable credentials are fortified with cryptographic security so they can trust that their personal information remains secure.


Ecosystem Participants

The decentralized identity sector is formed by a complex and dynamic ecosystem involving different stakeholders:

  • Issuers

These are trusted organizations, like government agencies and organizations, that provide verifiable credentials to users. For example, a university might issue a digital diploma to a graduate.

  • Users

These are individuals who own, store and manage their own digital identity credentials using a secure app called a digital wallet. They control their personal information and decide who can access it.

  • Verifiers

These are entities or organizations that need to validate the authenticity of the credentials users present. For instance, an employer might verify a job applicant’s qualifications by checking the digital diploma issued by the university.

How It Works in Practice (Example)

1. Issuance

After graduating, Sarah receives her digital diploma and transcripts directly in her ID wallet (Gataca Wallet) from her undergraduate university. These credentials are cryptographically signed.

2. Presentation and Verification

When applying for her master’s program, Sarah can easily share her digital diploma and transcripts. She scans a QR code on the admissions office website through her ID wallet and shares the requested information with a single click.

The admissions office then verifies the credentials' authenticity in real-time using a verification platform (Gataca Studio), which checks the cryptographic signature to confirm the data’s authenticity and the issuer's legitimacy.

3. Management

Sarah keeps her credentials in her ID wallet. She can view and manage them, including choosing when to share them and stopping a service from accessing them.

Last updated