Gataca Vouch

Gataca Vouch is an Identity Provider (IdP) solution that facilitates age verification processes by interacting with ID Wallets.

Gataca Vouch is a product within Gataca Studio that helps organizations verify the identity and other information of their end users.

It uses standard Open ID Connect (OIDC) protocols for authentication and allows users to provide their information through ID Wallets and verifiable credentials.

The main difference between Vouch and other federated identity systems like Google, Facebook, X, and LinkedIn is that Vouch does not store users' information. Instead, users control, manage, and store their own identity information.

Gataca Vouch allows users to confirm they are of legal age with just a click from their phone without disclosing other personal data, being the first age verification solution to achieve robust legal compliance and child protection, along with exceptional privacy and ease of use.

Included in Gataca Vouch we offer pre-defined Age Verification services that are fully compliant with DSA and GDPR regulations, relieving businesses of the compliance burden.

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