Test Your Verification Template

We recommend testing your templates in the sandbox before integrating it with your system.

You'll need to create an API Key before you can test the template. If you already have API Keys created, you can skip ahead to Step 2.

Step 1. Create an API Key

An API Key is a unique identifier that allows your applications to access specific issuance and verification templates via the Gataca Studio APIs. To create an API Key:

  1. Go to the "API Keys" section in the left menu and click "Create API Key."

  2. Configure the API Key:

    • API Key Name: Choose a name for your API Key.

    • DID: Select the DID associated with the API Key. This determines which administrators can access it.

    • Templates Associated: Select the credential verification template you want to link to this API Key.

  1. Save the API Key information. You’ll receive the API Key ID and password.

Make sure to store the API key password in a secure place. Once you close this tab, you won’t be able to retrieve it later. If needed, you can regenerate a new password.

Step 2: Test it

2.1 Associate an API Key to your Verification Template

  1. Go to "Verification Templates" in the left menu, find the template you want to test, click the three dots, and select "Edit."

  2. Once the template opens, click "Generate test" in the top right corner.

  1. Select the API Key you created, enter the API Key password, and optionally provide a callback URL for POST notifications containing session data once the session has been successfully validated.

To test your template, link your Wallet to the Sandbox environment. This allows you to securely test the verification process.

You can skip to 2.3 Generate a Testing QR if you already linked your Wallet with your Sandbox.

  1. If you haven’t linked your Wallet yet with your Sandbox, click "Scan Now" to access the QR code.

  2. Scan the QR code with your Wallet. Once linked, you’ll see a confirmation in your Wallet.

2.3 Generate a testing QR code

  1. Click "Generate Test" to create a QR code for testing.

  2. Scan the QR code with your Wallet to start the test, simulating the user experience.

  3. Your Wallet will prompt you to share the requested credentials based on your verification template configuration. Consent to the request and you’ll be connected to the service once your identity is verified.

  4. Your organization will then appear under connected services in your Wallet, and the user will be listed in the verified users section.

Step 3: Review Authenticated Users

As a verifier, you can monitor and manage your verified users by clicking on Verified Users in the Verifications section.

If needed, you can remove a verified user by clicking on the the trash bin icon next to it. The user will need then to consent to share their personal information again to regain access to your services.

Once you’ve successfully tested the verification template, it’s ready to be integrated into your website or application, allowing users to get verified with their Gataca Wallet.

Last updated