Configuring the Age Verification Wizard in Studio

Configuring the Age Verification Wizard in Gataca Studio

You need to have a Gataca Studio account with Vouch functionality enabled to execute the following steps

Before you can integrate Vouch with your own applications, you need to configure an App Integration in Gataca Studio. For your simplicity, Gataca Studio providers an Age Verification wizard that streamlines the configuration process for this use case:

Step 1: Click on the Age Verification Wizard

Select the Age Verification wizard in the Dashboard panel.

Step 2: Choose the desired scope(s)

Choose which scope you’d like to integrate into your application.

Step 3: Configure the redirect URL

Include the redirect URL that users will be redirected to after sharing their credentials.

Step 4: Add compliance URLs

Add the URLs to your privacy policy and your terms of service

Step 5: Copy your app integration codes

Copy your Client ID and your Client Secret securely.

Last updated