Issue Credentials

With Gataca Studio, you can create, validate, and digitally sign identity credentials according to W3C standards for global interoperability.

You can easily create credential issuance templates to integrate an issuance process into your website or application.

An issuance template defines an issuance process, including:

  • What credential type will be issued.

  • Which claims will be included within the issued credential.

  • What authentication requirements and security restrictions are needed for a user to obtain the credential.

Create an Issuance Template

When accessing Gataca Studio, you can create a new issuance template directly from the main dashboard or by selecting "Create Template" in the Issuance Templates section.

Step 1: Basic Configuration

Issuance ID

Start by naming your issuance template. This name should clearly describe the credential you plan to issue. It will serve as the primary reference throughout the platform and when associating it with API keys.

Requester DID

Choose the DID (Decentralized Identifier) you want to designate as the issuer of the credential. By default, a DID named “My DID” has been created for you, which you can use for your first issuance template. If you prefer, you can create a new DID.

Step 2: Basic Configuration

Credential Types

Select the type of credential you want to issue. Each verifiable credential must declare its type in the template, defining the content and format of the credential. Choose the type that best fits your needs.

If your organization needs a credential type not currently supported, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

What credential attributes should be included?

Credential attributes are specific pieces of information, or claims, about the subject. When you select a credential type in Studio, it will display all the available attributes defined in that credential’s schema. You can then choose which of these attributes you want to include in the credential you are issuing.

Step 3: Request

Define which personal information, in the form of verifiable credentials, users must provide before issuing your credential.

Users will need to have these credentials in their wallets before they can request the issuance.

Credentials requested

You can scroll through the list or use the search bar to select the necessary credentials.

What credentials should you request from the user?

When issuing a new credential, it’s important to collect the necessary verifiable credentials from users to confirm their identity and verify the accuracy of the information they provide.

For example, if you are issuing a Student ID, you might request a verified email address and a Verifiable ID (such as a National ID). This ensures that the Student ID is sent to the correct person and that you have accurate contact details for future communications.

Step 4: Requirements

Required and optional credentials

Specify which credentials are essential (required) and which are nice-to-have information (optional). Required credentials are necessary to complete the credential issuance, while optional credentials provide additional, non-essential information.

By default they are marked as optional.

Step 5: Restrictions (Optional)

Level of Trust

When requesting credentials from users, decide if they need to meet a specific level of trust. This level, based on standards set by Gataca, is related to the eIDAS regulation’s levels of assurance.

The level of trust reflects how reliable the credential is and how confident you can be that the person presenting it is who they claim to be. This confidence is based on the trust framework in place.

Trusted Credentials are issued by entities that are listed in the Gataca's Public Issuer Registry. To register your DID in a Trusted Registry, submit a ticket.

Security configuration

Set up any additional security measures users must complete before receiving the issued credential, such as two-factor authentication (2FA) via biometrics, OTPs (one-time passwords), or in-app authentication.

Successful Configuration

Once you’ve completed the configuration, you’ll see confirmation that the issuance template has been saved. You can now test your template using our sandbox or can integrate your template with your system.

We recommend testing your template in the sandbox before integrating it with your system. This allows you to experience the user process firsthand and ensures everything works as expected before going live.

Last updated