Manage Credentials Activity

View, suspend and revoke issued credentials

To manage your issued credentials, go to the Credential Activity section under Credentials in the left panel. Here, you can manually issue credentials and also view, suspend, or revoke them as needed.

Manage Issued credentials

Issued credentials can have one of three statuses:

  • Active → The credential is issued and valid.

  • Suspended → The credential is temporarily suspended. This can be done for various reasons deemed appropriate by the issuer. Suspended credentials can be reactivated or permanently revoked.

  • Revoked → The credential is invalid. While revoked credentials remain in the user’s wallet, they cannot be verified, as any verification attempt will result in an error.

To view or change the status of a credential:

  1. Navigate to the Issued tab within the Credential Activity section.

  2. Locate the credential you want to modify.

  3. Click the three dots in the Actions column next to the credential to view its details data or change its status.

Manually Issue Credentials

As an organization, you can issue credentials automatically through system integration. If you want to integrate your template with your system, go to SSI Issuance Integration.

To manually issue a credential, go to the "Pending" tab under "Credential Activity." Here you can review issuance requests.

  1. Click the green checkmark icon ✅.

  2. Manually fill out the form with the claims associated to this user. For examples of credential schemas in JSON format refer to Schemas (JSON Examples).

  3. Click the "Submit" button.

  4. The credential will now appear under "Issued Credentials" and will be issued to your Wallet, just as it would be seen by a user.

Last updated